Good reporting matters. My journalism reflects my commitment to exposing social injustices and surfacing the voices of marginalised groups in our society. I’ve won multiple awards for this work.


Surfacing stories

Daily news, features, profiles and commentary - journalism comes in many forms. At The Guardian I’ve reported on topics ranging from personal finance to healthcare and hardship. You can access my full portfolio here.

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Holding to account

All too often those with power and wealth use it in a way that reinforces stereotypes about people with very little or no power - the poorest in society. This piece for Byline Times shows how governments actively do this.

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Digging deeper

Sometimes I get to work on long-form stories that delight and surprise. This story for Mosaic Science was one of those.

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Read my many years of reporting for The Guardian

What People Are Saying


“Mary O'Hara is an award winning journalist who continues to make intelligent and important contributions to our understanding of mental health, stigma, social exclusion and diversity. Her writing informs with unusual clarity, while enlightening her readers.”

Dr Cecilia d'Felice

“The reader goes away with an awareness from the strong underlying message to expose the system’s failures, identify if there is a pattern, and push for necessary reforms.”

— Judges, The Southern California Journalism Awards


Project Twist-It